Are the classic movies of our childhood really as great as we remember them? Hosts Alan Noah and James Brief take a fresh look at our favorite films to see if they still stand The Test of Time.
So… who are Alan and James? We’re glad you asked.

after recording our Back to the Future episode
Alan Noah is a father, which he mentions constantly. He loves singing cheesy 1980s songs, even though everyone tells him that he is completely tone-deaf.
James Brief wants you to call him “Scooter,” but that’s not how nicknames work. He’s obsessed with space stuff, and he really does say Gladiator with a “glah.” It’s weird.
Alan and James became friends in college, and now, many years later, continue to enjoy quoting The Simpsons, talking about Star Wars, and playing video games together. In addition to the podcast, they also co-founded a charity called Nick’s Marathon, which you should check out and donate to, if you’re so inclined.
Some facts about the show:
Show logo designed by Courtney Enos-Robertson
Cover art designed by @PodcastCover
Theme song (episodes 1-100) by SpeakerFreq Audio
Theme song (episodes 100+) by Jon Martinez